Dan Spirk danspirkmusic Despite the outcome of this election, we are just No matter the outcome today/ tonight- the next cou November 5th. #danspirkmusic #newmusic You and Me (Unity) acoustic – Nov 5th. #danspirkmu I try to make music that speaks to people. Music t Instagram post 18461598172061281 See you tonight @lic_bar. Show starts at 8pm. Wit Guess what I’m doing? @lic_bar #danspirkmusic # Sick of board Monday nights? Come on out?next Mond How do you advertise a promotion? Do promote it or Have ever seen the worlds best with scissors? Mond See you Monday Oct 21 @lic_bar with special guest Some days I don’t know why. #spinner #altrock #i Has this ever happened to you too? #danspirkmusic Ever wonder what it’s like to record a song in t This about sums it up! #danspirk #grit #tenacity # O’ I’m think of a letter between m-q. Can you Laying low for a couple of days-which doesn’t en This is the bridge from You and Me (Unity). It was I’m happy that my last three shows have gone wel Load More… Follow on Instagram